UK will end as EU colony, warns ex-Chancellor


LONDON – The former British Chancellor Boris Johnson warned on Monday that United Kingdom would end up as a colony of European Union after the government announced plans for a close commercial relationship with the bloc after Brexit next year.

Johnson resigned Monday after Brexit David Davis departed a few days after Prime Minister Theresa May struggled with her cabinet for an exit strategy . European Union which includes compliance with EU standards for manufactured goods.

"We are really moving towards colony status and many will have a hard time seeing the economic or political benefit of this particular arrangement," said Johnson in a statement about his resignation, which Guido Fawkes political information site

"The dream of Brexit is dying, suffocated by low self-esteem," he said.

The resignations sparked a storm that threatened to disrupt May's fragile government, which defended its strategy by claiming that it is the only way to solve the border problem with Ireland.

However, his supporters feared that more ministers would resign, and pro-Brexit legislators from his Conservative party could favor a vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister.

If Davis's resignation shook May, Johnson's departure shaken the foundations of his government. Some skeptical lawmakers dream of replacing May with a fervent supporter of Brexit as Johnson, a populist and divisive character who has never hidden his ambition to be prime minister.

In the months following the deadline for the separation of England from the block on March 29, 2019, EU warned Britain repeatedly that time was running out to reach a separation agreement.

A few minutes after Johnson's resignation, May told the House of Commons that her program, which would allow free movement of goods and products, but not services, is " Brexit correct "because it would avoid revisions at the border between the Republic and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.

With information from AP

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