Ultima shot dead to elected municipal president of Buenavista


Buenavista .- The elected municipal president of Buenavista, Eliseo Delgado Sánchez, was shot dead yesterday; According to early reports, the murder took place while Delgado Sánchez was meeting with the elected aldermen of Morena, the party that was elected on July 4 at the Michoacán Electoral Institute. led to the triumph on July 1 in this municipality of Tierra Caliente.

Official reports indicate that the murder of Eliseo Delgado was perpetrated in a restaurant located in front of the municipal presidency, where an armed man came in who shot the elected mayor, a native of the Catalinas community .

The Michoacán prosecutor's office reported that another person accompanying Delgado was injured and was taken to the hospital. The elected municipal president lost his life immediately

Just on June 27, a few days before the election, Javier Ureña González, who was responsible for the mayor's post of this municipality, was shot dead.

The attack on the municipal official was perpetrated by armed individuals while driving on a road that leads to the 18 de Marzo community. Then a woman who accompanied her survived.

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