UN-DH and the EU ask to clarify the murders of Mexican journalists Luis Pérez García and Rubén Pat


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-DH) in Mexico and the Delegation of the European Union (EU), as well as the embassies of Norway and Switzerland condemned the murders of Mexican journalists Luis Pérez García and Rubén Pat Cahuich

In a statement, the EU denounced that Pérez García, editor of the magazine Today & # 39; s Survey and a member of the National Association of Journalists of Mexico, was murdered at his home in Mexico City on Monday 23, while Rubén Pat, police reporter and portal director Playa News was performed on Tuesday 24 in a bar in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo

It should be mentioned that Pat Cahuich was a member of the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists of Segob .

Therefore, the delegation of the UN and the EU, as well as the embassies of Norway and S They also expressed their condolences and "our deep solidarity with the family and friends of the victims ".

They also warned that the deaths of Luis Pérez García and Rubén Pat demonstrate once more the alarming degree of violence and intimidation.

And before the alarming recurrence of killings of journalists in the country, they called on the competent authorities "to use all the means at their disposal to guarantee the protection of those practicing journalism in the country". Mexico, as well as to ensure adequate monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the protection mechanism, in order to ensure the best possible effectiveness.

In addition, they also expressed concern about the lack of results of the investigations opened to clarify the previous cases of murder of journalists in Mexico.

Therefore, they reiterated their appeal to the competent Mexican authorities not to make every effort to conduct a prompt and transparent investigation in order to identify and prosecute those responsible.

They also urged the Mexican authorities to use all means to: its reach to ensure the protection of all those who practice Journalism in Mexico

In addition, they reiterated their "strong support to all those who promote the right to free and transparent information. The existence of free, diverse and independent media is a prerequisite for the promotion and protection of democracy.

Previous Threats

The UN pointed out that, in the case of Rubén Pat, there was a history of threats against the communicator due to the exercise of the

This murder, described in a statement, "occurs after Pat and other members of his environment have received threats and attacks. UN-DH received information on how the journalist was arrested, threatened and tortured by the Solidaridad municipal police on June 25, 2017, after the journalist published information that would link local officials to the crime. organized. "

He also recalled that on June 29, José Guadalupe Chan Dzib, also a journalist at the weekly Playa News had been murdered and had also received threats, that he denounced to the authorities

The UN-DH stressed the need for the authorities to "guarantee protective measures for Mr. Chan Dzib's colleagues who might be in danger," specifically mentioning Rubén Pat.

Jan Jarab, UN-DH representative in Mexico, said that "today, we spoke with Mr. Pat's colleagues and they conveyed to us the risk and fear that They meet in order to carry out their work, an indispensable work for a free, democratic and plural society. Many of them have recently received threats, which is extremely disturbing. "

He then warned that, with the murder of Rubén Pat, at least eight journalists have been murdered in Mexico so far this year, while Communicator Agustín Silva, of Oaxaca, is being carried missing since January

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