UN urges Mexico to prevent femicide



The UN on Monday urged the Mexican state to criminalize femicide in all state penal codes and to adopt "urgent measures" to prevent, investigate and judge correctly Violent deaths, homicides and disappearances of women

The Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on Monday published its conclusions on the situation in Mexico after the country For the ninth time, CNAW Vice President Magalys Arocha said at a press conference that the dialogue with the Mexican multisectoral delegation had been "very active and constructive" in the middle of the meeting. "very complicated conditions" in the nation with regard to the situation of women, which is "bad".

Read: UN Women launches #AhoraeselMomento campaign against feminicide in Mexico

The committee acknowledged Mexico's efforts to "overcome the general climate of violence and promote women's rights".

However, he regretted that "high and persistent levels of insecurity, violence and organized crime, as well as the challenges associated with public safety strategies, negatively affect the enjoyment of the rights of women and girls including indigenous and Afro-Mexican women.

According to Arocha, the Committee wants Mexico to draw from this review a follow-up of the country's efforts, particularly in the area of ​​gender-based violence.

He called on Mexico to take urgent measures to prevent violent deaths, killings and enforced disappearances of women, which means attacking the roots of the problem. such as violence, armed violence, organized crime, drug trafficking, discriminatory stereotypes and the marginalization of women.

Lee: Magdalena, the face of an atrocious feminicide in Guerrero

Similarly, UN experts demanded that the Mexican state ensure that "the perpetrators be prosecuted, prosecuted and appropriately punished "for acts of violence against women, which includes state actors as well as non-state actors.

In 2015, 1,755 alleged victims of intentional homicide were counted in Mexico, in 2016 about 2,210 and in 2017 a total of 2,572, according to data from the National Commission of Human Rights of Mexico submitted to CEDAW, based on data from the Executive Secretariat of the National System of Public Security.

In January 2018, there were 272 murders of women, which means an average of almost nine a day.

Arocha also stressed the importance of Mexico for feminicide to be criminalized in all state penal codes, respect for the general law on women's access to a life free from violence, and Standardizes police investigation protocols for femicides across the state.

Read: Battle of Puebla to Fight Gender Violence ]

In addition, CEDAW felt that entities in Mexico should simplify and harmonize procedures to activate the "Amber Alert" mechanism and the Alba Protocol, which help locate and recover missing and missing children and adolescents. For the committee, it is essential that "the search for missing women and girls be accelerated and special measures and protocols adopted to mitigate the risk associated with disappearances, such as femicide and the trafficking of women and girls for the purpose of # 39; sexual exploitation and forced labor. "

He also asked Mexico to harmonize and expand the application and coordination in the federal, state and municipal levels of the Alert to gender-based violence against women, and to ensure participation in the mechanism of NGOs and human rights defenders.

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