UN Women is concerned that Guatemala approves a reduction of sentences to feminicides – Nuestro País Digital Newspaper


Guatemala, June 29 (ACAN-EFE) .- UN Women expressed "concern" today because the Constitutional Court of Guatemala has allowed female convicted femicide convicts to reduce sentences, which was forbidden by the law. 19659002] The decision of the highest court in the country, UN Women explained in a statement, "puts even more vulnerability to collateral victims (family and children)", because it increases the risk of "revenge and retaliation" of convicts. The Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional a penalty contained in Article 6 of the Law against Femicide and other forms of violence against women, in which it was said that the person sentenced for femicide "does not can benefit from a reduction of sentence for reason ", on the understanding that this violates the social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of convicted persons.

In this sense, UN Women recalled that the State of Guatemala is "pioneering" in its legislation that sanctions the crime of violence against women, as evidenced by several laws and conventions, for which it is the only law in the world. urges that all decisions include "full recognition of women's rights".

to maintain the commitment to guarantee a life without violence against women.

Latin America and the Caribbean are the world's most violent region for women, where 2 out of 5 suffer from gender-based violence, about 30 percent have. According to data from UN Women, broadcast the Last year, Guatemala is one of the five countries with the highest rates of violence against women. woman and only between January and October 2017 were killed 877 women, according to the public prosecutor. ACAN-EFE Window

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