UNAM accepts 8.7% of candidates for the second admission examination


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In his second admission examination of the year, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) accepted 8.7% of applicants . This means that they entered 6 thousand 310, and 65 thousand 890 young people were left out.

This means that 9 out of 10 youth who participated in the contest did not have space to study for a degree in that institution.

According to the figures of the Directorate General of School Administration (DGAE) of the institution, in the contest held last June, 72 000 200 applicants participated. they sought a place in one of the 122 academic programs offered by the institution.

UNAM accepted 6 thousand 310 young people which involved an extension of one thousand 322 places since its initial offer was 4 000 988 places for future students.

The 10 most popular careers were first those of surgeon at the faculty of medicine; Administration, Accounting and Administration; Accounting in the same faculty; Surgeon at FES Iztacala; Right to FES Aragón, Law at the Faculty of Law; Architecture, Faculty of Architecture; and FES Zaragoza Nursing, Surgeon and Psychology.


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