Unemployment in Brazil decreases slightly and affects 12.7% of the population


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RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL (Sputnik) – Unemployment in Brazil is fell slightly in March-May compared to the same period of 2017, reaching 12.7% of the population, reported the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

"The unemployment rate (12.7%) for the March to May 2018 quarter fell by 0.6% compared to the same quarter of the previous year, from March to May 2017 (13, 3%), "said the official agency in a statement

Compared with the previous quarter (December 2017 to February 2018), the rate remained stable since it was 12.8%.

The unemployed population (13.2 million people) remained stable compared to the previous quarter (13.1 million).

Compared with the same quarter of 2017, where there were 13.8 million unemployed, there was a decline of 3.9%

IBGE data suggest that the improvement data is related to a less important job search, and not so much to an improvement of the labor market.

peirdas: unemployment in Brazil affects nearly 13% of the population

During the quarter that ended in May, Brazil added 65.4 million in the labor market, compared with 65.2 million for the quarter ending in April.

This population increased 0.7% (475,000 people) from the December 2017 to February 2018 quarter.

Brazil spent between 2015 and 2016 due to the worst recession in its history (the economy contracted by 7.2%), but in 2017, it came out of the crisis, the economy progressing by 1%.

the recovery is slower than expected and economic analysts and the government are revising downward their growth forecasts for this year, which could be less than 2%

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