UNESCO declares the cultural heritage of Chiribiquete Park in Colombia


BOGOTÁ, Colombia (Notimex). The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) proclaimed the Chiribiquete National Park, in southeastern Colombia, the cultural and natural heritage of the country. humanity, said today President Juan Manuel Santos. 19659002] "Good news for Colombia! @UNESCO has just proclaimed Chiribiquete as the cultural and natural heritage of Humanity.Tomorrow we will be in the park to expand and protect our world heritage biodiversity," said the president on his Twitter account

UNESCO, at the announcement of the inscription on the World Heritage List of Chiribiquete National Park – La Maloca del Jaguar also made public congratulations to Colombia

The National delegation who stepped in to support the candidacy in front of the president of the organization was integrated by the ambassador to France, Federico Renjifo, director of the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and D & # 39; history, Ernesto Montenegro, and the director of natural parks, Julia Miranda.

On Monday, Santos will formalize the extension of "486 thousand additional 676 hectares, making Chiribiquete the largest protected continental area in Colombia, reaching four million 268 thousand 95 hectares." This will allow this ecosystem to flourish. 39, be protected in perpetuity, "said Casa de Nariño

This decision preserves" biodiversity, helps to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and, at the same time, contributes to the regulation of the water of the region and maintaining natural supply for the food security and survival of the indigenous communities of the Orinoco and Amazon Basins, "he said.

In addition to environmental, cultural, ethnic, historical and archaeological heritage, that the park is home to more than fifty pictorial sites with no less than 70,000 archaeological drawings of great value that show moving human figures, e defense and animals. "

More than 60 data show that" the oldest They were made 20 thousand years ago. These represent the deep knowledge of the Amazonian environment of the peoples who have made and continue to make, it is a living rock art, as the recent archives show that paintings are still made today. . "

The importance of the National Chiribiquete Natural Park" is not only given by its natural value, but also by its outstanding cultural value, making it one of the wonders of the archaeological heritage of the world. "

Similarly, Chiribiquete protects the territory "from isolated indigenous peoples of the linguistic families uitoto, carib and arawak (there are indications of the possible existence of 18 groups in the region), and with them their spaces of Use, medicinal plants and hunting artifacts, fishing, gathering and construction. "

has been a complex mosaic of cultures and languages, and today's indigenous thinkers regard it as" the end of the world ", the cosmogonic territory where the world begins and ends. its buffer zone is part of a sacred territory for many of today's indigenous communities.

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