United States against China: beginning of the trade war


  United States China Commercial War

China, the largest trading partner of the United States, exports goods and services for 505 thousand 597 million; Meanwhile, US sales to the Chinese market are $ 130 billion (Photos: Reuters)


The United States and China have officially entered a trade war today following the Donald Trump's administration's decision to impose punitive tariffs on the Asian country for $ 34 billion .

China, which maintains a trade surplus of $ 375 billion annually in the United States, announced the introduction of tariffs for an amount similar to US products and exports to its markets .

In order to defend the central interests of the country and the interests of the people as we are forced to respond, "said the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing.

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China's retaliatory tariffs will particularly affect the US agricultural industry in the states that voted for Trump in the 2016 elections, including soybean and corn producers, and will also affect the meat industry, particularly chicken and pork

Trump reiterated the day before that punitive tariffs will be supplemented during the next two weeks by 16 billion additional dollars economic sanctions against China.

And as you know, we have 200 billion dollars of suspension (…), so we have 50 (one million billion dollars), plus 200 (one billion) nearly 300 (one billion dollars). "China, the main trading partner of the United States, last year exported 505,597 million products and services to the US market," he said on board Air Force One. dollars according to the annual report of the US Department of Commerce.

In contrast US sales to the Chinese market were just 130 billion dollars resulting in a trade deficit for the country's economy of 375 thousand 228 million dollars.

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May 29, to balance trade relations between the two countries, tariffs would be imposed up to 25 percent, a total of $ 50 billion in Chinese exports .

list incl it has a total of thousand 102 products, mainly from industrial sectors which include aerospace, computer science, robotics, communication technology, industrial machinery, new materials and automobiles .

The administration made it clear that it would not apply in tariffs on goods commonly purchased by US consumers, such as televisions or cell phones.

The White House uses a second-generation tariff for $ 16 billion they are currently subject to the regular process of public consultation, which is expected to be completed during the second half of July.

From the Notimex Information


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