United States is defeated by Mexico in basketball on the way to the World Cup


MEXICO.- The Mexican national basketball team reached an important milestone in the next qualifying phase for the 2019 China World Cup after winning a 78-70 victory over the states United States in 19459004. The fifth match of the group C.

According to Vanguardia MX, Orlando Méndez was the match figure, since he quickly established himself as the leader of the attack of the # 39; tricolor team. Number 13 contributed 18 points and five rebounds in the tri-color victory.

Francisco Cruz was also a key player for those led by Spaniard Iván Deniz, at the end of the match with 23 units. While Gustavo Ayón, who has not played with Mexico since 2015 added eight points, eight rebounds and seven assists to the cause.

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Mexico started the game with a crush of 18-0. The Juan de la Barrera Gym has become the perfect scenario to build a major victory, as thousands of fans have never stopped supporting it.

The US team was irregular in the field. Deniz opted for the intensity, and bothered every shot the United States tried. The first quarter was totally green, white and red, with a convincing 31-10.

For the second quarter, the United States tried to counter the domination of the locals but Deniz sent Ayon and Machado to rest for Lorenzo Mata and debutant Diego Willis, so he gave freshness to the national quintenta. Mendez and Cruz have taken the reins of the team, both have signed a great match both the attack and the defense.

Mexico is resting 45-28, with 13 points of Méndez, 13 of Cruz. Deniz returned to Ayón and Machado on the floor to extend the advantage. While Jeff Van Gundy rested his best man of the match, Marcus Thornton (8 points).

Thornton returned and with which Mexico deflated. The victory that was worked for three entire quarters hooked by a thread.
Number 4 scored six points in two attempts of three and returned to the United States at the game, 55-51 at the end of the third quarter. But the assistants in the compound did not lose hope and they did not stop making noise.

A three – point cross at four minutes from the end spoke of herself: Mexico was not going to let go of the triumph, it was not going to disappoint. And so it was, the Tricolor was able to take the last minutes calmly and leave the United States without time.

With the result, Mexico reached 8 points and tied Puerto Rico, who beat Cuba. The United States added one point to defeat, because it continues to lead with nine units.
The selection will face the next Sunday against Puerto Rico in this country. The duel will be a rematch for the Mexicans after they were defeated 100-88 by the Caribbean in Monterrey on Feb. 23.

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