Up to 10 the number of deaths by accident in Mexico-Toluca


Up to 10 the number of deaths by accident in Mexico-Toluca

Increased by 10 the number of deaths by accident in Mexico-Toluca. Photo: Cuartoscuro


This morning, Mexico City Public Security Secretary Raymundo Collins noted that it has increased to 10 people who have died after the serious accident occurred last night on the Mexico Toluca highway.

The official explained that there were still 16 people hospitalized at the Santa Fe ABC and at the Polanco Red Cross.

The total number of people injured on the site was between 25 and 30, added the head of the SSP.


Yesterday, around 19 hours, a trailer caused a serious accident on the Mexico-Toluca highway, at kilometer 14.5, in the district of Peña Blanca, at the town hall of Álvaro Obregón .

At the end of the print edition of Excelsior, nine people, eight men and one woman, lost their lives and 16 others were treated at the ABC Hospital Santa Fe and the Red Cross Polanco.

According to the authorities, the unit, led by a woman named Ana G, aged 41, has struck at least 15 vehicles in the area known as Puerta Santa Fe.

After the accident, elements of the Ministry of Public Security arrived at the scene. They stopped the trailer operator and transferred it to the Public Prosecutor's Office to determine the responsibilities.

The emergency services took charge of the rescue of the wounded and required the support of helicopters from the Cóndores group of the Ministry of Public Security for the transfer of the wounded to hospitals.

The Medical Rescue and Emergency Squadron (ERUM) personnel, with the help of tools, released the victims of the twisted brakes of the vehicles, while experts from the office of the Attorney General went to the scene of the incident to gather evidence and start with the investigations.

The bodies of those who died on the spot were taken to the MP for their relatives to recognize.

Secretary of Public Safety Raymundo Collins said the trailer was heading from Toluca to Cuautitlán Izcalli, in the state of Mexico, with 24 tons of cargo, the characteristics of which were not provided.

We do not know, at this moment, what happened. She says that she lost the brakes; It's not a question of a road but a question of maintenance for each company, admitting that it is a technical failure, "said the police chief of the capital.

Forty people not needing a hospital transfer were also treated by the emergency services.

For more than four hours, traffic was closed to remove the trailer and vehicles. It opened at 23:20.

– With information from Wendy Roa

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