Up to 30% of people with epilepsy suffer from depression: expert


  Up to 30% of people with epilepsy suffer from depression: expert

Up to 30% of people with epilepsy suffer from depression: expert. Photo: Conacyt

Around 2 million Mexicans have epilepsy which is one of the most stigmatized diseases by society, even 30% of those who suffer tend to suffer from mental disorders such as depression and anxiety

This was stated in an interview for the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), Lilia Núñez Orozco President of the Mexican Society of Neurology and Psychiatry (SMNP), which explains that psychiatric and neurological diseases have a negative connotation because of the lack of information on its origins and treatments

Epilepsy is a disorder of the central nervous system in which brain activity is impaired, giving rise to seizures of various types. epilepsy and may have very diverse causes [19459] 007] various clinical manifestations 65 percent of cases occur in childhood and adolescence, added the founder of Gadep.

Faced with this problem, World Health Organization (WHO) the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the Gadep, Mexican chapter of the IBE, carry out social awareness campaigns [19659009] with the collaboration of various associations of physicians and

Diagnosis and Treatment

The Diagnosis of Epilepsy consists of a description of what is perceived before consciousness is lost and a crisis ensues, if that is the case, so that the Patient Specialist have more details of how he arrived and try to establish a cause .

The main drugs are the antiepileptic drugs known as DEA, which slow down the abnormal electrical charges, for which they require to maintain a constant concentration and depending on the type of seizure, will be the dose and number of takes per day with a strict schedule.

For Higher reports of the group Acceptance of Epilepsy (Gadep), you can access his website.

Published by Diana Lizeth Pérez Morales

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