UPDATE 1 – Truck where the US official traveled to Guatemala receives shots, no injuries


(Update with details and appointment of a spokesman for the US Embassy)

GUATEMALA, July 22 (Reuters) – The First Secretary of the State Embassy Guatemala has escaped safe and sound It was shot dead Sunday night in the south of the city, said a police spokesman.

The spokesman explained that hooded people who were protesting at a police checkpoint asking for the capture of those responsible for a death earlier in the town of San Vicente de Pacaya fired several shots fire in the air. officer who did not attend the stop.

"We can confirm that tonight an embassy employee (from the United States) was shot down on the road to the South Pacific. There were no casualties and he seems that the incident was not motivated by political considerations or directed against the embassy, ​​"said a spokesman for diplomatic headquarters in the country of Central America.

The official added that the embassy is working with the police to investigate the facts. (Report by Sofía Menchú, written by Sharay Angulo, edited in Spanish by Carlos Aliaga)

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