Uruapan's funeral Massacre: Command kills seven people and leaves six others wounded


URUAPAN, Mich. (Apro) .- Tonight, a commando traveling in a van, a compact white vehicle and four motorcycles opened fire on those who were at the "San José" funeral home, located on Juarez Avenue, where he killed seven people and wounded six others, according to police authorities.

The sicarios burst into a funeral home of this municipality to mow the relatives who were inside the wake, an armed attack that left at least seven dead and six others wounded

The first reports indicate that tonight family and friends have made their last farewells in the wake of "San José", in El Barrio de la Magdalena, to a young man found dead in La Pinera Park. 19659002] Around nine o'clock in the evening, several people arrived at the site in two motor vehicles and motorcycles that, without a word, opened fire on the people who frequented the school. to then flee the site.

The bodies of at least seven people were on the sidewalk of the funeral home; Immediately after, the police authorities came, who deployed an operation in the search for the murderers, while the PGJE staff carried out the actions that the case deserves.

At the place arrived paramedics and relief items to try to help the victims, although the perpetrators of the attack fled to an unknown destination.

Among the murderers, it was only known that they were traveling in a black Cherokee truck, a white compact vehicle and four motorcycles, units that the Michoacan police are already following. .

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