US police arrested 600 women in a protest against Trump's immigration policies


Some 600 women, including members of Congress, were arrested during a women's march against the US president's immigration policy, Donald Trump in Washington .

As reported to EFE of the Capitol Police, a total of 575 women were arrested for demonstrating illegally in an act within the protest, which was intended to express the rejection of separation policies of families of irregular immigrants and

Women were arrested, tried and released on the spot

These arrests, which took place after a morning march of hundreds of women on the streets of the capital, held in the Hart Building of the US Senate.

Among those arrested, there was at least one of the members of Congress who participated in the protest, Pramil Jayapal.

"I have just been arrested with a group of more than 500 women who have entered the Hart building to protest the policy of" zero tolerance ", the separation of families.We must resist," said Democrat MP Pramila Jayapal who said she was "proud" of having been arrested.

The administration launched last April the so-called "zero tolerance" policies for which immigrants who cross the border illegally continue to be criminally prosecuted, which implies the division of families with minors.

Last week Trump decreed the end of family separations at the border Because of harsh criticism received Since then, the government has reunited 538 children with their parents, although more than 2,000 minors are still detained and separated from their loved ones, according to National Security Data (EFE)

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