US prosecutor demands death sentence for murderer of synagogue


"These alleged crimes are reprehensible and absolutely disgusting, in accordance with the values ​​of our country." Therefore, the Ministry of Justice will lodge a complaint against the accused for hate crimes, as well as others, particularly with regard to the death penalty. "said US Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a statement.

Thus, Rob Bowers, arrested after indiscriminately shooting at the parishioners ofsynagogueby shouting that all Jews must die, incur the maximum penalty in the courts.

The head of the justice department condemned a "vile" act in which "eleven innocent people" died while participating in a religious service.synagogueof the Congregation of the Tree of Life.

"Hatred and violence based on religion have no place in our society," said Sessions.

The announcement of the Justice Ministry coincides with the line drawn, a few hours ago, by President Donald Trump, who called for a strengthening of the laws relating to the death penalty.

"You have to draw a line and say" here, never again, "said the president at a rally in the city of Murphysboro, Illinois.

Throughout the day, the White House has considered the possibility of canceling this event and another organized by farmer associations, which had occurred a few hours earlier in Indiana, but the president finally decided to participate in both events.

"I do not want you to change your life for someone who is sick and who is evil … We have our lives, we have our agendas and nobody is going to change them," Trump said at the rally.

Photo: EFE.

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