US says cell radiation causes cancer in rats


The National Toxicology Program of the United States find "Clear proof" that the high levels of radiofrequency radiation used in mobile phones have developed cancerous heart tumors in male rats.

John Bucher, scientist of the unit, pointed out that these results can not be compared directly with the experience of the man when using a mobile phone, in part because the rodents studied were exposed to higher levels.

According to results released on Thursday, male rats have been exposed to high levels of radiofrequency radiation such as those used in cellular services. 2G and 3G.

These technologies have not yet been completely replaced, as the telephony sector continues to grow. to 4G or more, the study mentioned.

The radiation used for wifi or 5G networks has not been studied.

The results released on Thursday represent an update of the study conducted by the program and a higher level of confidence in the conclusion regarding tumors in the hearts of male rodents, which went from "some evidence" to "clear evidence "explained the scientist.

"We believe that the relationship between radiofrequency radiation levels and tumors in male mice is clear," he said.

The study, the cost of which the 30 million dollars, was carried out by the National Toxicology Program during the last 10 years.

The National Toxicology Program is an interinstitutional agency that is part of the National Institutes of Health of the United States.

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