USA: Susan Sarandon among women arrested for protest against immigration policy


More than 500 women including a congressman, were arrested in the Capitol Building during a protest against Donald's immigration policy Trump, who caused the separation of thousands of children from their parents on the border with Mexico

YOU CAN SEE: Mexico describes Trump's immigration policy as "inhuman"

The US Capitol Police said that 575 people were demonstrating in the atrium of an office building of Senate and were accused of demonstrating illegally, then prosecuted on the spot and released. .

Many detainees were singing and shouting slogans and wearing emergency blankets similar to the ones they used to house children in detention centers .

The Democratic Representative Pramila Jayaoal was among those arrested.

"I have just been arrested with more than 500 women and @womensmarch says we will not continue @ realDonaldTrump's zero tolerance policy, not in our country – on our behalf," she wrote on Twitter .

Actress Susan Sarandon said that she was also arrested in Washington, outside the Department of Justice, where people had gathered to protest.

"Arrested, stay strong, keep fighting, #WomenDisobey," said the Hollywood star on Twitter.

Protesters from the Hart Office Building in the Senate carry banners reading "End the Detention Camps" and "Families Must Stay Together in Freedom".

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand posted a video of the rally, saying that women were protesting "against this inhuman policy of the Trump government to separate families on the border."

Trump and Congress is involved in a struggle to resolve the crisis that has separated more than 2,000 children from their migrant parents since the government announced in early May a border policy of " Zero Tolerance ".

Trump recently asked to stop the separation of families after protests and international critics, both Democrats and Republicans, but Congress has not yet managed to resolve the crisis.

"What the government is doing now is morally wrong, it is inhuman and it must stop," said Senator Gillibrand . AFP

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