User complaints against Condusef continue for alleged links with the insurer – Chihuahua News – Entreline


Chihuahua News .-

After several customers of the insurer Metlife in Chihuahua, reported that there appears to be an agreement between the company and the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users Financial Services (Condusef)) in the state, to prevent them from unsubscribing and incur other insurances, complaints from multiple users have continued, before what they consider illegal fees to their accounts.

According to those who preferred to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals, when they intend to withdraw from contracts established with Metlife, although they have already concluded, they refuse to do so which means that they must continue to pay if they decide to take out another insurance in another company.

they do not receive the necessary help when they come to complain to Condusef, which makes them suppose that there are agreements "in the dark" between agents of this company. Insurance

Affected persons indicated that there are several complaints that have been lodged in front of the Condusef, the majority without a favorable response, despite the fact that they are able to s & # 39; ensure with other companies that offer better benefits and services. ] [ad_2]
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