Using your cell phone in the bathroom can cause hemorrhoids


Notimex – The " Reading of Health ", which is currently increasing through the use of mobile devices in the toilet, has a direct consequence in the hemorrhoids that are veins and arteries that are in the anus of all people since they were born.

The main factors predisposing to having hemorrhoids that bleed, burn, itch and hurt are: constipation, pregnancy, diarrhea, smoking, obesity and, now, the ] reading of health ; being a myth that hemorrhoidal disease is hereditary.

In Mexico 5% of the general population has symptoms related to hemorrhoidal disease, although it is rare before age 20, it is likely that in the future it will will be more common among young people because of the use of mobile devices for more than 10 minutes in the toilet.

"People who have the habit of reading in health exceed 10 minutes, which is what is argued that on average begins to be harmful for the hemorrhoids .The habit of reading in the bathroom takes a lot of time, before it is magazines, newspaper books, etc. ", said Miguel Ángel Rosado Martínez, specialist in coloproctology, Sedna Hospital.

Now, with electronic devices at any age use them, children follow the example of the elderly at home, However, while he commented that even when there is no has no scientific evidence to increase the incidence, the reality is that patients with hemorrhoids are observed at a younger age.

In an interview with Notimex, he explained that ] hemorrhoids have a tissue where they attach to the muscles of the anus, which come off slowly when they are under strong pressure for a long time.

He mentions that the bath is made to facilitate the evacuation. By not having support like a chair or a hard surface, if you spend a lot of time, this tissue (pelvic floor) is released over time, as happens with the veins of the legs that are called varicose veins .

"In hemorrhoids the same thing happens, subjecting them to a lot of pressure (sitting a lot of time in the bathroom) these veins become larger and increase the possibility of getting complicated with bleeding or clot formation. "19659002] Rosado Martínez pointed out that the use of donuts or special chairs, after a proctological surgery or" resting "means spending a lot of time sitting in the bathroom, so the recommendation is not to use them to avoid serious complications.] [ad_2]
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