Vaccine shortage threatens the health of the Victorian community


The application of hepatitis vaccine to newborns was a problem, a very serious problem that needs to be solved.

The shortage of existing vaccines in both the IMSS, the ISSSTE and the Ministry of Health Victorian community health, since these addictions do not have sufficient doses.

The chairman of the Victoria Board of Health Commission, Mars Alejandro Ruíz Nava, said that there was a problem in applying hepatitis vaccine to newborns, a very serious problem that needs to be treaty.

"There is no ISSSTE, there is no assurance in the hepatitis vaccine that our children should have in the first week of birth do not have them I do not know what the problem is because the Ministry of Health does not have this vaccine, but it is important that the citizens demand these benefits.It is very serious because it 's not. there are no vaccines and there is an epidemic of hepatitis, the children will not be protected. "

On the other hand, he commented that the beneficiaries of the Seguro Popular in Victoria receive mediocre medical attention. "The popular insurance does not cover all diseases and if you mark as coverage, there are no drugs or medical supplies, so the popular insurance is virtually obsolete and does not work, What is it used for?"

This problem, he said, is presented in a clinic or hospital to those who have such a health service, said the victorense counselor, "of a prescription in which you are prescribed three drugs, you only have one and two is practically something that does not work, there must be a restructuring of Seguro Popular at the federal level and at the state level that brings a benefit to the municipal level. "

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