Vaccines applied after the passage of & # 39; Willa & # 39; -Rerform – 10/28/2018


The Ministry of Health has applied more than one thousand doses of vaccine in the municipalities of Nayarit affected by the passage of Hurricane "Willa".

Vaccines are against polio, triple virus, hepatitis B in adults, hepatitis B in children, tetanus, diphtheria, tuberculosis, pentavalent, rotavirus, pneumococcus, influenza and human papilloma virus, explained the addiction in a statement.

To prevent epidemics of cholera, influenza and dengue fever in this entity, the Secretariat initiated vector control with terrestrial fogging, larval control and entomological evaluation.

It also had 67 outpatient medical units and three hospital care units, in addition to the medical units of the IMSS, ISSSTE and the Red Cross.

Jesús Felipe González Roldán, director of the National Center for Prevention of Programs and Disease Control (Cenaprece), said that four days before Hurricane "Willa", the federal health brigades and the municipalities of Acaponeta and Tecuala They were in areas where the weather phenomenon would have an impact to put in place preventive actions for the health of the population.

He explained that the health staff carried out sanitation work in the shelters before the arrival of the victims in order to reduce the risk of contracting diseases.

Once people have moved into shelters, the quality of food and drink is monitored, as well as sanitary conditions and the supply of medicines, he added.

González Roldán said that coordination between the authorities of the three levels of government is essential to avoid major effects on the population when a weather event occurs.

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