Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán, on the World Heritage List


  Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, added to the World Heritage List

It is located between Oaxaca and Puebla. Photo: EFE


Another Mexican place has been inscribed on the World Heritage List as Mixed World by the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, science and culture (UNESCO).

This is the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, located between Oaxaca and Puebla, which, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), was registered at the 42nd session of the Committee, in Manamá, Bahrain as a result of the coordination between various bodies of the Government of Mexico, experts, researchers and authorities of the two entities.

With the "Valley of Tehuacán-Cuicatlán: Habitat native of Mesoamérica", Mexico reaffirms its position as the first country of the continent and the seventh in the world with the largest number of properties registered in this list, with a total of 35 registered sites: 27 cultural, eis natural and two mixed.

This site is located in the most biodiverse semi-arid area of ​​the Americas, and has an invaluable and irreplaceable heritage value, he said in a statement.

It is recognized as the cradle of agriculture and agriculture. Mesoamerican irrigation through the water systems, the domestication of plants, as well as various political, religious and linguistic systems, testifying to the adaptation of the human being on a period of more than 14 thousand years, he added.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs underlined the collaboration of the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Conanp), the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), of experts and researchers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and UAM. the governments of Oaxaca and Puebla.

* amgl

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