Van 4 private taxi drivers killed in Ahome, Sinaloa


Culiacán, Sin .- During the month of July, four operators of private transport service were murdered with similar characteristics in the municipality of ] Ahome, Sinaloa .

The last victim was Angel Manuel "N" of 18 years pilot of a Uber who was deprived of life with weapon and whose body was found inside a house in the splitting Paseo de Alameda .

D victims plus they were taxi drivers, whose units were located near their bodies.

According to information, last Saturday evening, the young taxi driver responded to the request for service in the party room called " Garage located in the area known as The Cuchilla in the eastern part of the city of Mochis .

After this report, contact with him was lost, so that his family filed a complaint for his disappearance until last Thursday, neighbors reported that foul odors emanated from a house abandoned by the street Rivera de los Álamos.

Last Tuesday, another operator from Uber named Obed "N" of 41 years neighbor of the city of Mochis found dead with knife wounds in a hydraulic channel, within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Fuerte.

Its uni té, a recent model caravan truck, was discovered half-hidden in two kilometers away.

The past July 18 in the splitting Las Canteras of Mochis The body of the taxi driver was found, José Antonio "N" of 38 years who had several stab wounds and a few meters, the driving unit

A week before, in the same subdivision, on the street Huinolo between boulevard T opolobampo and street San Mateo another taxi driver, Jose "N" was deprived of life from several stab wounds.

Near the square, his executive taxi, mark Nissan Versa Line gray color with economic issue 260 with registration plates VFC7191 . [19659002] The director of Public Security of Ahome Carlos Acuña Ronquillo, said that the judicial authorities are investigating whether these cases are related to gangs of attackers, kidnappers and distributors of drugs that operate with units Uber .

With regard to the killing of four private transfer operators, in the taxi modes and the Uber platform, all committed with a knife, the Attorney General's Office takes the Each of the echoes that were submitted.


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