Venezuelan Parliament suspends session due to power outages in Caracas


CARACAS, Venezuela. (EFE) .- The Venezuelan Parliament of the majority of the opposition, which today debated several points on the economic measures announced by the head of the State, Nicolás Maduro To cope with the crisis, he suspended his session for the power outages recorded today in Caracas and in neighboring states

"We suspended it, we only discussed the monetary cone, we were preparing to read the agreement on the subject, the light went out ", said the secretary of the National Assembly (AN, Parliament), Negal Morales, to Efe.

Starting this morning, Caracas and the central states of Miranda, Vargas and Aragua are recording light failures, and although the Minister of Electrical Energy, Luis Motta Domínguez – who has failed chess in the regions near the Venezuelan capital -, said that electricity was recovered in 90%, there are still who are still without electricity

The Federal Legislature, where the Parliament holds its ordinary sessions, registered failures of power even after the announcement of Motta Domínguez

Morales explained to Efe that the deputies decided to stop the session for 15 minutes to wait for the meeting. return of the light.

"But the light did not come and the factory did not support us for the recording devices or videos needed to have the recordings of the session, so we had to suspend the session".

Overall, Morales said that parliamentarians have decided to read and approve the agreement by which they demand the monetary reconversion announced by the executive who ordered to withdraw five zeros of the Venezuelan currency and put into circulation new notes from August 20

However, this agreement has not yet been released in case of power failure.

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