Viable Transplant Organs with Hepatitis C: Cleveland Clinic


MEXICO (Notimex) .- The Cleveland Clinic began this year a program of organ transplantation infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), in order to offer an alternative to those who are waiting for a donation for

The idea is to perform organ transplants from a donor with hepatitis C to a recipient who does not have the virus, supported by effective treatments against this disease that can eliminate it in a short time, said in a statement

. ] To date, the Cleveland Clinic has performed 44 HCV-infected organ transplants in the United States; the organs were liver, kidney and heart, among others.

"We have a safe and innovative way to access a limited resource, expand the donor pool and provide quality results for our transplant patients," says Narayanan. Menon, medical director of the health center

He explained that to date, all patients who received hepatitis C-infected kidneys developed the virus and after being diagnosed, they started treatment and were cured after 12 weeks of antiviral treatment.

Although effective cure rates with direct acting antivirals are 98%, transplantation with HCV is not without risk.

Negative receptors (without hepatitis viruses) should be carefully examined. per case to ensure that the patient's transplant benefits from exposure and overcomes the risks.

"Now that we have effective treatments for the hepatitis C virus, organ transplantation with HCV is likely to become as common as transplantation with organs infected with the hepatitis C virus. 39, hepatitis B ", concluded the specialist

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