Vicente Fox does not care about the savings promised by AMLO or the fact that he has withdrawn the pension, he says.


Former President Vicente Fox he mocked the so-called savings promised by the The elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the federal budget.

In Twitter, Fox He pointed out that withdrawing his pension had not spared anything.

And did the former president take a note of Millennium, in which he is assured that Andrés Manuel López Obrador will spend about 444 billion pesos in the 2019 budget more in "personal services".

This amount, it was pointed out, is higher than this year, still in the Administration of Enrique Peña Nieto.

For example, it is mentioned that with AMLO will be spent Personal services payroll 1.2 billion pesos, while Peña the expense was 808 billion pesos.

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