Victims of Crime, 51% of Companies: Coparmex


51% of companies affiliated to the Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) were victims of a crime in the country and the most affected states are Durango, Jalisco and Sonora, said yesterday the President of the Organization, Gustavo de Hoyos, at a press conference

De Hoyos said that the proportion of companies affected by insecurity has increased since February, when the second measure was made using the "Data Coparmex" tool, after 44 51%.

He pointed out that the most common crimes are theft of ants, with 23%; theft of goods, money or material in transit, with 16%; total or partial vehicle theft, with 13%, and intentional damage to the facilities, with 10%. They are followed by extortion to load the floor, with 7.0%; In addition, Coparmex explained that about 42% of member companies were affected by corruption in the execution of public proceedings, a problem that rose in 10 of the 30 entities monitored in February.

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