Victims of Sexual Assault Use Cryptocoin in Anonymous Crowdfunding – DiarioBitcoin


Many women who are raped by their husbands also save on cryptocurrency to support themselves.


A new case of crypto-currency use is emerging: helping women victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault gain financial independence while protecting their privacy.

For example, a sexual assault victim used the encrypted payment processor Seeds raise $ 500 in September after the trauma prevented her from working for several months.

If you had used a traditional crowdfunding site like Kickstarter o GoFundMethe victim should have provided a bank ID and a bank account created by the government, that someone working on the platform could have connected to their story.

On the other hand, the use of the token Seeds, based at Ethereum This allowed the cryptography user for the first time to raise funds without revealing his identity to someone directly involved other than the platform's CEO, Rachel Cook.

The victim received the token as a gift from Cook for the publication of a "Request for help" through 30 apps that use the free tools of Seedsas Will have, a request for meditation. Users then donated via the app with their credit cards.

Usually, this money is divided between application developers, the commission of 10% of Seeds and the final recipient who submitted the request.

But in this case, Cook has waived all commissions once the symbolized request has been fulfilled. Cook said it's only taken three weeks to raise funds, the fastest achievement since the token's launch in October 2017.

"I met this woman in person, by chance, and we started talking about the # MeToo movement"Mr. Cook added that people who are victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault at work are often afraid to speak or leave because they can not afford to do so. lose this job

"Survivors have trouble giving themselves permission to ask for money", said Cook. "Theat the next logical extension that I've seen in this [#metoo] was we have to talk about how this system [criptográfico] can meet this need ".

Cook, who has also survived a sexual assault, said his goal is to make these anonymous requests more accessible to newcomers who need help with legal costs and mental health issues. He said:

We need to let people know that this is available and that people can use it without feeling uncomfortable (…) We want to fill this gap. "

Ticket to security

The story of crowdfunding This is just one example of how women in the cryptocurrency community are helping each other learn to use different tools to overcome their personal trauma after a sexual assault.

In a famous case in Afghanistan, a victim of abuse worked with the lawyer of Bitcoin Roya Mahboob make money to pay for the divorce.

More recently, an American model told him CoinDesk who saves crypto to try to escape an "unfortunate" life situation prejudicial to his sanity. Because she only controls private keys, she does not have to worry about external evidence, such as bank statements, coming in unexpectedly by mail.

"Crypts have really given me tools to overcome obstacles"says an erotic actress CoinDesk. "I want women to know that cryptography can help empower them because of their accessibility."

Another survivor of domestic violence and developer of Blockchain works on a set of decentralized applications (Dapps) money management, for these users.

"Financial stability was the main reason I could leave my husband abusive," said the developer (who, like the model, spoke under condition of anonymity). "Survivors, like other disadvantaged people, do not have the means to create wealth."

He said that much of the violence between intimate partners included some type of financial abuse, with the perpetrator controlling the victim's access to financial resources. The developer added:

The main reason why women stay in abusive relationships is because they depend on their partners. "

Source: CoinDesk

Translation from DiarioBitcoin

Image of pixabay

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