Victoria Beckham wishes every success to Spice Girls


Finally, it was confirmed after months and months of rumors after the five Spice Girls the originals met for the first time in five years last February, so that the spicy girls come back on the road next summer with a new series of concerts without the presence of Victoria Beckham.

Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Geri Horner and Melanie Chisholm They wanted to share the news with their fans via the group's infamous Instagram account, where they shared a fun parody in which they joked about the passing time – the one known as Baby Spice even asks their partners if she's "too old" to wear mats – and the four are arguing over Geri's gorgeous electric blue dress, skipping the strict black dress code they agreed on. The video ends with Emma wearing an unforgettable hairstyle and by Mel C, one of his sports jackets, while they sing their single "Spice Up Your Life" without making the slightest mention of the absentee.

Although there is ultimately no way to convince the original Spice fifth to hold a microphone again, there seems to be some grudge about it. In the vast majority of old images that have been shared over the past five days in the training instagram, Victoria pops up with the other components, almost always next to the hashtag #Friendship Never Ends: her motto about power feminine friendship And the creator, meanwhile, sent them a message via the same platform wishing them every success in this new adventure and stating that even if it does not accompany them, she will always be very proud of the girl's inheritance. -gang.

"Today 's day is very special for girls, since they will announce the first dates of a tour since we acted together in 2012. I will not go back up with my girls on a stage, but would be part of the Spice Girls It was a very important part of my life and I'm all my love for you, I hope you'll have a lot of fun on your next tour, I know you're going to offer an incredible show and that the wonderful fans, past and present, will appreciate a lot "Victoria wrote.

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It's official: there will be a new Spice Girls tour, without Victoria Beckham.

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