VIDEO: Californian fires destroy the mansion of a famous Hollywood actor


The Scottish actor Gerard Butler is one of many entertainment personalities who have suffered the ravages of forest fires in the United States and who have led to the evacuation of more than 300,000 people in California.

The protagonist of "300 & # 39; is among those displaced by fire in the south of this state. When he returns, he learns that there was nothing left intact

"I went home to Malibu after evacuating, it's a heartbreaking time in all of California," Butler said on Twitter, calling for support for firefighters who tried to curb the disaster.

As the actor, the singer Robin Thicke He found his house burned to ashes. His girlfriend, April Love Geary, shared pictures of the house they share.

The director of "Exorcism of Emily Rose & # 39; and & # 39; Doctor Strange & # 39; Scott Derricksonhe also lost his residence in the flames.

The most violent hot spots of the disaster occur in northern California.

The fires in this area have killed more than three dozen people, making them the most deadly of the history of the state.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, expressed on Twitter a controversial opinion on the causes of these large-scale incidents, which were immediately rejected. "irresponsible, reckless and insulting" by the International Association of Fire Fighters.

The properties of other celebrities are likely to meet almost 6,800 buildings who have been consumed by these wildfires.

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