VIDEO: Galilea Montijo cries inconsolably for this reason


The conductor could quit the program Hoy – Instagram

After rumors of his possible departure from the Hoy program, Galilea has posted a video on his Instagram account where he can be seen extremely sad

By Patricia Carranza Alva

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September 12, 2017/13: 30 hours

The driver could leave the program Hoy – Instagram

Galilea Montijo has become the center of attention in recent days after a prediction of Mhoni Seer in which he asserted that the driver will leave the program Today . However, this provoked several reactions and now you can see the driver very sad.

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And is it Galilea posted on his Instagram account a video on the one who can be seen crying inconsolably, who alerted his followers, who wrote him support messages.

"Asuu poor my Gali, but everything has its reward ? you are a warrior x I admire you ??❤?". "Tona for you to make her cry," her supporters wrote to her

What prompted the morning facilitator's crying was the physical exercise she performed to maintain her figure, as his personal trainer, Rafael Tonatiuh Arriaga, who is a recognized celebrity exercise, put a more complex routine.

"Yes, if I cry – it's like that that he leaves me @eltonawellness after training # teodiocuandoentreno # teadorocuandoentroenmisvestidos ??", writes Galilea.

Here is the sad moment …

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