Video games help you lose weight: study


Video games, combined with physical exercise, can help reduce weight and lower blood pressure and cholesterol in overweight children, according to a study by Louisiana State researchers University (United States). published in the journal "Pediatric Obesity".

The work analyzed overweight children aged 10 to 12 or
obese, half were girls, and more than half were African-Americans.

Study randomly assigned children to a "playgroup" of 23 families or a control group of 23 families

The playgroup was encouraged to comply with 60-minute national recommendations per day of physical activity and they received an "Xbox 360", "Kinect", four video games, and they were asked to play at home with a friend or relative for six months.

They also received a "challenge book" to complete three hourly play sessions each week and a "Fitbit" to follow in their footsteps each day.

Thus, scientists found that the use of video games reduced the body mass index (BMI) by about 3%, while the control group increased its BMI by 1 %; cholesterol in 7%, while the control group increased cholesterol by 7 percentiles; and physical activity by 10%, while the control group decreased their physical activity by 22%.

Delaying Mental Aging
Research conducted by the University of Iowa has shown that playing at least 10 hours a week helps to delay brain wear and keeps intact cognitive abilities for an equivalent of 7 years.

This is because video games are usually a challenge for the brain, which allows it to be exercised. Improves the Brain

Improves the Brain
A group of scientists analyzed the brains of 23 25-year-old volunteers who were invited to play Super Mario 64 for half an hour a day for two years. month While another group was told to play no video game.

The results showed that the group they played increased their gray matter in the right hippocampus, the right prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum, areas used for strategic planning, training memory and relationship eye-hand.

Reduces Stress
Psychology professor Christopher Fergunson said that players who tend to play violent video games come to calm down and relax much more quickly. This is because they can express their anger or discomfort through the character.

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