VIDEO: Gignac applies the & # 39; force me, dog & # 39; in an interview


André Pierre Gignac once again demonstrates his dynamism out of the field, as evidenced by the answer he gave to Pello Maldonado during an interview, applying the now-famous "force me, dog". [19659002ThisinterviewwillbeabletoopportunityoftheSportingandextraterritorialprojectscontrollingthefacetrytowardsthecanadianleatreandreceivingthenarrivedinTigresofUANLstatingthatthecalledtheculturalcoupling

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On the sports theme, he revealed that his fellow, Zinedine Zidane is one of the best players in history, but that Messi, at least for him, he is the best player in history

We share the funny video: [19659006] "OBLÍGAME DOG": GIGNAC

So he answered me @ 10APG when I said yes We did the traditional, medi or hug # GignacConGurú [19659008]

– Pello Maldonado (@Pellomaldonado) July 31, 2018


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