[VIDEO] This is the serious illness of Pedrito Sola


Pedro Sola is one of the favorite conductors of the magazine "Ventaneando" for his events that will quickly become viral or for private revelations of his life.

On this occasion, he made no exception to this, and said through the Facebook Live-Streaming program on a condition that has touched him since his childhood.

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During the commercial breaks of "Ventaneando" revealed that he has "anosmia".

This was known through a question that they asked him, had he previously interviewed a celebrity with bad breath, to which he replied that he had no sense of smell at all.

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"I have a problem called anosmia, which is a lack of odor, so if you have bad breath, you feel the pain. armpit or crotch, I do not realize, "he confessed He added:" Child, I had a very strong allergy, always rhinitis, and this rhinitis was causing me what we call anosmia, there are odors that I do not perceive. "

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