Villanías de Luisito Rey against Luis Miguel and Marcela Basteri | who


We make a list of the most important things committed by Luis Miguel's father in his life

Throughout his life, Luisito Rey has committed many villainies. Here is the most relevant:

  • The diverts his own manager . When Luis Miguel was born in Puerto Rico, his father's director, Alfred D. Herger, was waiting for five thousand dollars for his services, but Luisito Rey reported to the press the theft of this amount, specifically to Vea magazine. Herger sent to investigate the case and the police came to the conclusion that everything had been rigged by Luisito for not paying. In addition to the debt, they also owed the rent and other bills, which they never paid because they fled Puerto Rico. All the debts were in the name of Alfred: the expenses of the hospital where Micky was born, the furniture, the light …
  • The nationality of Micky : Spain, New York, Veracruz or Puerto Rico. Luisito Rey invented at different times that his son was born on all sides, depending on the story he wanted to tell. The truth is that he was born in Puerto Rico in April 1970. And it was only in the late 1980s, when Micky began to take charge of his own career, that 's what he was doing. he agreed to be born Puerto Rico.
  • The Academic Disorder of His Son : In 1982, Luis Miguel gave an interview to TVyNovelas in which he talks about his preparation for singing at the wedding of Paulina López Portillo. "My presence had an impact on the participants, and after they decided that they could project my career for which I have been preparing since, of course, I had to leave the school where I was going. Was in fifth grade, go home two hours a day. "According to Javier León Herrera," dropping out of school was directly proportional to success. " There came a time when the only books he read were Jules Verne's novels, which fascinated him, and the only classes he attended were those of English, The languages ​​he liked. "
  • The induction of drugs to his son : According to the biographer, the new economic status of the Gallego Basteri family worsened Luisito's cocaine addiction … Then what was Micky's father who was responsible for inducing him into vice, "with the excuse that he would do better in presentations and in the demanding pace", that of course Luisito himself has He did not let him rest, he did not let him rest.
  • He appropriated the fortune of his son : the first contract of Luis Miguel was signed with the EM label in 1982, and it was juicy.For this reason, Luisito Rey "did not delay to find a better house than that borrowed by Andrés García in San Jerónimo and they settled at the Gardens of Coyoacán, intermediate step towards the next move to Lomas de Chapultepec and the last one. penthouse in Polanco ", says Javier León Herrera in Luis Miguel, the story .

In this sense, according to Leon Herrera, Luisito's favorite expression was referring to the fact that 39, he was the general of the Pentagon, because his son's money brought him power.

It was already the 90s, Luis Miguel was already of legal age and his relationship with him was broken, and yet Luisito Rey still had money and funds diverted from the company of Luis Miguel.For example, when he started to create his own label, he went to live in an exclusive neighborhood of Barcelona and, to pay it, "he executed the sale of properties acquired in the period before the majority of Luis Miguel. he did it to sell the house on the Avenida de las Fuentes to Lomas de Tecamachalco, "reports Javier.

  • Money Deviations : "He created a network of irregular handling of money to avoid paying taxes, which would be a constant in all the time that he was in charge of his son's career, "adds Javier. "Luis Rey did not pay the money as he should in Mexico, he avoided it." The main destination was Switzerland, where an amount of nearly 20 million dollars was in a entity called Soditic in the alpine country, whose agent was an Argentine Jew. "

When he appeared in Italy in the mid-1980s, he generated money which Luisito did not produce. never considered paying an Italian treasure tax, so, on the advice of someone, Luisito bought a luxury car that would allow him to move from one country to another and, of course, to Marcela Basteri. It was a Rolls Royce, Javier says the vehicle "was about to be seized" when fiscal problems arose in California

  • Problems with Rosy Esquivel and her husband, Armando Serna: The relationship with EMI Music came to an end, Luisito invited them to work directly in Luis Miguel's office, where she would continue to be his press chief and he will take care of finances and accounting. to Javier that the death of her husband … was related to the stormy relationship with Luis Rey. In addition, "Serna had to endure several times to see Luisito arrive completely insane at the office under the effects of cocaine, with a completely humiliating treatment towards all the staff and with a pistol in the hand".

Already working under this program, Luisito caused financial irregularities, avoided the capital that ended with an alleged crime of tax evasion; he made mysterious journeys (which were paid by Micky without knowing it).

  • The loss of virginity Luis Miguel: Enjoying his stay in Rio de Janeiro, where for the first time in his career it was going to record songs in Portuguese, Luis Rey thought to awaken the sexuality of his son.

For this, he sought a girl named Maria, a mulatto girl who worked for the EMI label. From the first meeting he flirted on behalf of both, he was 13 and she was 19 years old.

  • Marcela Basteri : Not only did he never marry her, although he was engaged there; He offered it to Negro Durazo, he did not let her work, he did not allow her to get involved in her son's career and he did not allow her to travel with him for the tours. He constantly deceived her, leaving her alone as often as he could; He tried to discredit her in front of his own family. When they broke up, he forced Luis Miguel to stay with him and not with her.

In addition, with regard to financial matters, "Luisito implied Marcela when she used him as a leading man in some transactions that left her as owner".

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