Vince Gilligan prepares the film on "Breaking Bad"


The creator of "Breaking Bad", Vince Gilligan, prepare a movie about this acclaimed series that played Bryan Cranston for five seasons, the specialized media reported today The Hollywood Reporter.

For the moment, there are not many details on this project in which Gilligan would produce the film, write the screenplay and, perhaps, also sit in the director's chair.

according to The Hollywood Reporter, this film would last two hours, but it is unclear whether it will be released in movie theaters or it will be broadcast on television.

It still does not have a confirmed title, although the project is under development under the provisional name of "Greenbrier".

We do not know whether it would be a prequel "Breaking Bad", as the series aired on "Better Call Saul", or if it would be a after

In the same way, there is no certainty at the moment of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, the two stars of "Breaking Bad", would appear on this tape.

Winner of a Golden Globe and two Emmys in the best drama series, "Breaking Bad", considered one of the best television productions in history, has been focused on the transformation of music. a chemistry teacher who, after being diagnosed with cancer, becomes a drug dealer.


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