Virus in New Jersey continues to attack; 19 children are diagnosed


The analysis confirmed Thursday the number 19 infected patient of one viral epidemic in one pediatric rehabilitation center which caused the death of seven people, informed the health authorities of New sweater.

The person, whose identity was not revealed, was already sick and the diagnosis does not necessarily mean that the virus continues to spread, according to Donna Leusner, spokesperson for the group. Department of State of Health.

The outbreak will be declared as complete only Rehabilitation center for children Wanaque record four weeks without new case of person infected with the type of microbe, called adenovirus 7, says the doctor Shereef ElnahalCommissioner of Health this week.

The seven people who died in the last few weeks were under the age of 18 and at least one of the victims was a young adult. All were in a respiratory care unit, where patients receive long-term help.

The identity of the deceased and infected patients has not been revealed.

Adenoviruses generally pose a lower risk to healthy people and usually cause mild symptoms of colds or flu, such as sore throat, fever, coughing and sneezing. Some strains also cause diarrhea or conjunctivitis.

The strain found in the rehabilitation center's home is among the strongest types. Sometimes it can cause more serious respiratory diseases, especially in people with weakened immune systems.

SEE MORE: An Adenovirus Epidemic Causes 6 Small Deaths in a New Jersey Rehabilitation Center

Many children in the facility need breathing apparatus and some have spent most of their lives there, said the Commissioner. He described the patients as "fragile".
The threat is unlikely to be greater, he said.

Rowena BaptistThe center's director said in a statement Thursday that the community "feels a huge sense of loss".

He said the center was working with the state's health department and disease control and prevention centers, in addition to providing professional grief counselors and establishing a line d & # 39; emergency.

Elnahal said the first symptoms appeared on September 26th and that the state was informed of an outbreak on October 9th.

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