Volaris, Interjet and Viva Aerobus dominate the Mexican sky; Aeromexico is lagging behind


CITY OF MEXICO.- The airlines Aero Calafia, Viva Aerobus and Interjet are the Mexican companies with the highest total growth recorded at the end of the first half of 2018; all domestic airlines carried 30.9 million passengers by air, an increase of 10.3% over the same period in 2017.

| Omar Hernández |

A moderate pace in aviation indicators, according to official data from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC), which represented double-digit growth over the previous four years.

January In June 2018, national and international airlines moved to more than 48.3 million passengers, an increase of 7.7%.

The increase of passengers on domestic flights was 9% higher and on international flights by 6.5%. This is compared to the astringent growth of US airlines (1.7%), as well as The decline of European airlines (-0.8%), while the rest of the international companies recorded 3.4% of By contrast, Mexican airlines have announced a 15% increase in their international flights, which allowed them to increase their market share from 27.3% in 2017 to 29.5% in 2018.

The most successful companies were Aero Calafia with 43.3%, Viva Aerobus with 22 , 9% and Interjet with 14.4%; in the niche of foreign companies, Asian companies grew by 44.2%, while those of Central America and South America reached 11.1%.

In the case of the participation of domestic companies in the domestic passenger transport market in June The first positions went to Volaris (27.9%), Interjet (20.5%) and Viva Aerobús (18.3%). ), leaving Aeroméxico Connect and Aeroméxico down.

With regard to the transport of goods, in the first six months, transported by air 437 thousand tons, a growth of 15.6% compared to the same period of 2017 and 44% compared to 2012. [19659004] The Mexican airport system served 72.8 million passengers from January to June this year, an increase of 8.7%; that it mobilized during the same period 511 million tons of goods, or 10.1% more than in 2017.

The airline fleet of the national airlines, at the end of the first semester of 2018, was integrated by 362 aircraft with an average age of 8.7 years; equivalent to an evolution of 41% since 2012, while the age of the fleet has been reduced by 50% compared to a maximum of 18 years observed in 2010.

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