Volcano of fire explodes


Guatemalan The fire volcano started in the last hours a new eruptive phase, according to information provided by the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology of Guatemala.

This is the fourth eruptive phase since the beginning of the year, according to the data revealed by this agency via its Twitter account.

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The scientific body has reported that the volcano, located near the city of Antigua, where will be held the Ibero-American summit next week, today records a range of 16 and 24 explosions per hour, among the lowest , moderate and strong.

The Fuego volcano in the last few hours has been very active. Photo: AP

Read also: Volcán de Fuego records up to 17 explosions per hour

The explosions generate a column of ash at 4,800 meters altitude, which travels 20 kilometers to the west and south-west of the cone.

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A lava flow that detaches from the crater reaches 1,000 meters in the direction of the Ceniza Canyon, and avalanches reach the vegetation, the institute explained.

On June 3, the volcano, at a height of 3,763 meters, recorded one of the strongest eruptions in its history, leaving at least 190 dead and more than 1.7 million people affected in the earthquakes. departments of Escuintla, Sacatepéquez and Chimaltenango.

According to the seismological entity, the activity is at the origin of the fall of ashes in the populations of Morelia, Panimaché, Sangre de Cristo and Yepocapa.

Fuego, Santiaguito and Pacaya are the three most active volcanoes of the 32 that count the country of Central America.

  • Volcano of fire
  • Guatemala

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