Volkswagen CEO claims that the arrest of the boss of Audi is difficult to understand | AmericaEconomy


Berlin . The CEO of German automaker Volkswagen, Herbert Diess, told a German newspaper that the arrest of Audi boss, Rupert Stadler, had been shocking and difficult to understand.

Volkswagen suspended Stadler, brand manager The profitability of German automakers after the German authorities arrested him as part of an investigation into the alterations in the emissions tests.

"It had a huge impact on me." The arrest of a CEO of a large car brand: Diess told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag

: "The arrest is difficult to understand, I knew Rupert Stadler as a problem solver, "said Diess. he, Stadler is innocent until proven otherwise.

Stadler, who has not yet made public comments, has not yet been charged and prosecutors will continue to question him. week

When asked if he could imagine a return of the executive, Diess said it depends on the facts determined by the court. "If the charges by state prosecutors have proven to be true, then the decision is clear," he explained.

He also said that he does not believe that Audi will be hurt immediately by the departure of its general manager. "But if it lasts too long, then it becomes a problem, but I am confident that it will come out."

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