Wall Street closes in green and the Nasdaq index reaches a new record


Wall Street closed in green and with a new Nasdaq index record, which rose 0.63%, after a session marked by commercial results and the appearance of the Reserve Chairman Federal (Fed) Congress (19659002) At the close of trading, the Nasdaq Composite Index, which includes major technology groups, added 49.40 points, to 7,855.12 points. With this maximum, the twenty-fourth of the year, it renews the mark that was noted last Friday.

For its part, the main indicator of the market, the Dow Jones Industrial, rose 0.22% or 55.53 points, up to 25 119.89 overall, while the & P 500 selective rebounded 0.40% or 11.12 points, up to 2,809.55 units.

The Federal Reserve will continue to gradually raise rates: Powell

[19659002] Most sectors found themselves in positive territory, dominated by basic materials (1.32%) and technology (0.81%). Wall Street opened with losses, in response to disparate results from key companies such as Netflix, Goldman Sachs, Johnson & Johnson and UnitedHealth, but subsequently the markets rallied. Faced with the intervention of Fed Chairman Jerome Powell before the Senate Banking Committee.

Powell, who pointed to the strength of the US labor market and the growth of the economy, was supportive of continuing the gradual rise in interest rates, although he added that it is essential to find balance in the pace of this rise.

Meanwhile, investors evaluate the results released Monday at the close of Netflix (-5.24%), of which The last quarterly subscriber amount of 5.15 million euros was lower than expectations

Among the thirty titles included in the Dow Jones, reactions to the other results published today were noted. ra: Johnson & Johnson (3.54%) led the gains, rewarded by the increase in its revenues in its pharmaceutical sector.

Industrial production in the United States rose by 0.6% in June: Fed

On the other hand, investors sanctioned UnitedHealth (-2.60%), whose numbers have not really convinced, as well as Goldman Sachs (-0.18%), who increased their profits, but whose income was not

In the Nasdaq group, the highlights of the progression of Facebook (1.33%), Amazon (1.18%), which today reached a record, Apple (0, 28%) and Alphabet (1.26%).

In other markets, Texas's barrel rose to $ 68.08 and the 10-year Treasury note yield rebounded to 2.886%.

At the closing of Wall Street, gold dropped to $ 1,228.10 an ounce before the euro, which was changed to $ 1,1661

With information from Efe.
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