Warning! Pneumonia is fatal in adults over 65


MEXICO – The pneumonia bacterium is deadly among Mexican adults over the age of 65, the Mexican specialist in infectious infectious diseases said today. respiratory diseases.

On the eve of World Pneumonia Day, commemorated every November 12, the specialist told reporters that this bacterial lung infection can be contracted anywhere and in any stage of life, but that she was more deadly in adults five years old and people with risk factors.

Pneumonia is a lung disease that can be serious. Photo: Pixabay

In 2017, pneumonia was among the top 20 causes of illness in the country and affected about 130,000 Mexicans, according to figures from the Ministry of Health.

Older people are more vulnerable because of a condition called "immunosenescence," which is the effect of aging on the immune system, he explained.

He also noted that this situation resulted in the weakening of the body's natural defenses and made the individual more susceptible to pneumococcal disease.

Hernández Porras added that lifestyle is another factor that may increase the risk of pneumonia. suffer from certain health conditions, including asthma, diabetes and diseases cardiovascular.

He explained that the elderly can suffer significant consequences such as respiratory failure and sepsis, ie an uncontrolled inflammation of the body that can lead to general organ failure.

Therefore, it recommended to follow a complete vaccination procedure to be truly protected against this disease.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), pneumonia can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi.

It can be prevented by vaccination, an adequate diet and by controlling environmental factors.

Pneumonia caused by a bacterium can be treated with antibiotics, but only a third of people with pneumonia receive the antibiotics they need.

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