Warning regarding obesity in children – Promotions


One in three children suffers from this disease. About six out of ten consultations on infant nutrition refer to overweight and, at the country level, one in three schoolchildren are overweight.

Experts describe this disease as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century and point out that being overweight in children is the main predictor of obesity in children. 39, adulthood. The alarming risks of obesity in children are that they contribute to the development of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular damage, hypertension, certain types of cancer, among others .

Learning to eat is learned from children.

Indicators of obesity in children

The main indicator of this harm is the percentage of body fat. A full evaluation should be done and the data indicated by the growth chart indicated by the WHO should be analyzed in order to diagnose the first signs of the problem.

Also with a visual examination, you can see if the child is overweight. "In our society, the chubby baby is perceived to be healthy and the lean baby seems undernourished," said Nadine Fanego, an expert in infant nutrition, who stressed the need to consult a nutritionist to verify that the weight of the child is in the health settings. "With regard to children, the appropriate term for talking about weight is sufficient growth or insufficient growth," said the specialist. "In the early stages, the key is to have enough calories to grow," he said.

Nutritionists at the MSPBS explain that the parameters taken into account in the nutritional state are the small weight, the height and the age. The circumference of the brain (the size of the child's head) or if it is born premature is also taken into account.

Up to two years old, children are measured on a infantometer. From two to five years, weight and height depending on age are taken into account (as stipulated by WHO). At each stage, new parameters for healthy development are taken into account. From five to nineteen years, body mass index (BMI) is taken into account.

The smallest are weighed in a infantometer.

Poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle

Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are the main malnutrition agents in children (which may be lack or excess weight). This often results in a predisposition to continue with bad habits in adulthood, according to experts in the field.

The consumption of unhealthy foods such as fast foods or "junk food", high in fat and salt, sugary drinks such as soft drinks and some packaged juices promote obesity in children . If children are not used to eating nutritious, nutritious foods, it is unlikely that this "taste" for healthy foods will appear to them naturally.

Eating well is learned, and as the child grows up, as well as his or her intellectual skills, you have to learn how to choose what you eat and how to stay healthy.

Professionals of the field emphasize that sedentarismo has become a serious problem among younger generations, as games and outdoor activities have been replaced by activities related to the use of technology.

It is more comfortable for children to spend hours in front of the television or at a computer than organizing meetings and activities outside the home. Parents, for lack of time or to give priority to school preparation, prefer that children stay locked up and postpone carrying out activities that, in the future, will be vital for the health of their children.

Diseases associated with obesity

Childhood obesity is at the origin of many ailments, more serious than those generated in the adult. Some of these diseases caused by poor nutrition during childhood are:

Metabolic disorders: it is a syndrome decompensated from the balance of the body. It can cause high blood pressure, elevated triglyceride levels and glucose intolerance, becoming insulin resistant.

Diabetes type two: what is produced by a poor diet, unlike type 1, which is basically a genetic inheritance.

Disorders of the diet: The problems caused by obesity do not only affect children physically. They do it psychologically too. This is why many children develop bulimia (they gorge on food), anorexia nervosa (stop eating when they are in a stressful situation), vigorexia (especially in adolescence, when an athletic body and muscular).

Damage to the liver: Obesity generates fat in the liver, which can lead to cirrhosis.

Sleep apnea and asthma: Occurs when the child is not breathing well when sleeping and can go from 10 to 30 seconds without receiving oxygen. This prevents the correct rest which results in poor school performance, an inability to concentrate and other cognitive problems. Oxygenation problems also cause damage to the respiratory system.

Psychological implications of obesity

Nutritionists also talk about the psychological effects of obesity in children. Children face many other challenges besides the pressure to lose weight. They can be teased at school, often without mercy, because of their weight.

Over time, this situation can have a great emotional burden that makes them feel isolated, ashamed and sad. Being a victim can also affect boys' lifestyles and lead to obesogenic behaviors, such as avoidance of social and sporting activities and excessive consumption of food in response to stress, as well as eating disorders such as eating and drinking. anorexia or bulimia.


To have an adequate weight, it is recommended to create a culture of healthy eating, which is normally created in the family. From an early age, children should be encouraged to lead healthy lives by choosing foods that promote their growth and development.

Fruits, vegetables, dairy products and nutrient-rich foods should be eaten, always avoiding excess and saturated carbohydrate combinations.

This habit of "eating well" will be a determining factor for the future, with a high incidence on health in adulthood, explained Rossana Caballero, a nutritionist at the Institute of Social Welfare and at the Hospital for Mothers and Children of San Lorenzo.

Achieving sports and physical activity is important during childhood because it generates habits and routines that will continue throughout life. Sports contribute to the social development of young people, enabling them to interact with their peers, integrate and make friends.

It is also certain that children and adolescents who engage in sports activities have more discipline, confidence in themselves, a predisposition to acquire healthy habits and to stay away from vices such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs. They also have better school performance, said the experts.

Children from 4 to 12 years old need at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity a day, suitable for the development phase and including various activities. To control weight, more physical activity may be needed.

Food education in schools

The Ministry of Education has taken the initiative to promote food education in schools. However, given the precariousness of the public education system, few institutions implement programs encouraging children to eat healthy.

Most private schools have canteens offering a variety of proposals, in which students can access healthy and quality products. Some have nutrition professionals who are responsible for developing the menu of what will be served.

However, in state-dependent institutions, the situation is different because many of them do not have dining rooms, but only canteens that are privately managed.

Snacks and meals at school are regulated and prepared according to the strict standards set by the ministry. However, this measure is not enough to create a quality food mentality.

The MEC is leading the implementation of the Paraguay School Food Program (PAEP), supported by Law No. 5210/2014, whose main objective is to install a nutritional nutritional education in schools. ;education. But this program needs financial support, which schools often do not have.

According to data provided by the General Office of Student Welfare of the Secretariat, the MEC has implemented this project only since its establishment in 2016 in 75 institutions, among 7500 public schools.

The economic difficulty is the main factor of the poor feeding of infants, who discuss the possibility of eating or not, do not have much choice as to the choice of their food.

Increase in obesity among the country's children

From the MSPBS Obesity Prevention Unit, they pointed out that the number of children suffering from obesity in the country had increased dramatically in recent years.

In 2010, 19.9 children of school age were overweight. This citra has increased to 17.9% for 2012; 18.7% for 2014 and the highest increase occurred in 2016, where 20.2% of overweight students were enrolled.

In terms of obesity, boys with this disease in 2010 accounted for 8.2% of students; for 2012, the percentage reaches 8.4%. The figure has not increased much for 2014 with 8.5%. The year 2016 recorded an increase of 2.2%, reaching a percentage of 10.7% of obese children.

WHO data

The World Health Organization (WHO) has presented a recent report in which it is said that more than three decades ago, the number of obese people in the world doubled. In Paraguay, 56.7% of the adult population is overweight and 22.8% is obese.

According to these findings, 1 in 4 Paraguayans suffers from obesity and 2 out of 3 report some degree of overweight or obesity. While 30% of schoolchildren and adolescents are overweight and obese and 45% of pregnant women have the disease.

It should be noted that obesity, rather than an aesthetic problem, is considered a chronic disease and a risk factor for the development of various conditions, and should therefore seek the help of health professionals.

Other things to keep in mind

The nutritionist Rossana Caballero He commented that most children who attend a nutritional consultation are already referred by the pediatrician with a case of obesity.

He explained that the lack of control on the part of adults on what children eat is the main cause of overweight and that in principle, it is the parents who must have a food education in order to properly guide their children. "The habits of drinking water, eating fruits, vegetables and exercising should be acquired at home, by the whole family," said the specialist.

Nadine Fanego also mentioned the use of food as a reward. "Using food as a reward method is a bad thing because the boy will want to do something right to eat," he said.

He explained that by using food as an incentive, a wrong association is created, which creates the habit of trying to feel better, to understand that it is an element of well-being and not a contribution of energy and "fuel". "Ideally, the child understands that eating is an activity that allows them to continue working, such as recharging their batteries, not a social event or a way to feel better," he concluded.

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