We are going to La Volpe


CITY OF MEXICO.- After being absent from football, and not finding an option at the moment in Mexico, the Argentine coach, Ricardo La Volpe , will rise to a new challenge in his career, but in the far lands of Egypt. The club Pyramids FC Steta saw his last few months at the Mexican Polo Federation

The Volpe had repeatedly reiterated that he wanted to try new things in football, maybe not as much as 39 years ago. a coach, but in the training part or a sports management. Finally the pyramids offered him this option and were accepted by the pampero strategist, who was based in Mexico.

Through the social networks the club made the announcement, in addition to a brief presentation of the race of La Volpe as a coach of clubs and also what it did in national teams. F. F. Pyramids He is barely ten years old in the Egyptian Premier League and his football stadium has only four thousand supporters.

The last job La Volpe had before accepting the advice of this club was as coach of America in 2017

Last March, the technical director told several media that he had little to show in the Liga Bancomer, because throughout his career he went through many teams and led the same team from Mexico.

"I was in selection in a process with the Olympic Games, the Gold Cup, America, the Confederations.America gave me the Cup I have played a bit in Mexico because I played it and criticized it, but when I played in America they criticized me when I played or not, when they did not give results, they said that they played well, when they were undefeated, they said that they were not playing well.

unbeaten and all world m & # 39; criticized, i lost the final, but i went undefeated.The next thing would be to take a mic and talk one by one to those who know nothing about football and I love that's more, give lectures, I speak simple and what statistics say, "said the" Bigotón, "according to ESPN information.

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