We are talking about the effect of age on the use of Facebook


A fifteen-year-old from San Francisco says he's not updating his status or putting personal information on Facebook for some time, but prefers to use this network as a mechanism to get into the applications that interest him. with your friends, use Snapchat. The reason, he says, is that "everyone says that Facebook is out of style." I think it's because all parents have an account in this social network, "he concludes.

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What seems clear, is that Facebook, with its two billion users, does not have the same popularity for the young people who have made it their central base in their connection with social networks Interestingly, although Facebook is one of the most powerful and most important companies in the United States, it no longer seems to be the destination teenagers, who prefer Instagram and Snapchat, which are also owned by Facebook.

According to a Pew Research Center survey, 51% of 15-year-olds (aged 13 to 17) use Facebook, compared to 72% for Instagram and 69% for Snapchat.The survey found that 85%, for example, use the services YouTube video.

The situation has changed since 2014/15, when the Pew Survey revealed that Facebook was the leader in social networks in the teen segment, with 71% of acceptance and use. But Monica Anderson, of Pew, said, "The environment of social networks among teens is very different from what it was three years ago. At that time, users were focusing more on Facebook. Today, their habits are less concentrated on a single platform. "

The breakdown of teens with Facebook seems to have occurred before the latest data privacy scandals, where more than 50 million network users Mark Zuckerberg shared his data with Cambridge Analytica, without their permission.

According to Forrester Research, in their survey, they found that 35% of young people see Facebook as "a site for seniors and parents." Instagram, which belongs to Facebook, has grown tremendously and now counts more one billion users, thanks in part to apps for sharing photos and videos. "Young people see Facebook as a useful program, while other networks are robbing them of their attention", Anjali Lasi, of Forrester.

An Isolated Report, from the eMarketer Company, came to a similar conclusion, believing that Facebook could losing about two million users in the United States in age groups under 24 years old. Despite this, Facebook remains the king of social networks and continues to grow, although now more moderately than in previous years.

Earnings in the first quarter of 2018 reached 63% over the previous year, which equals $ 5 billion, with total earnings up 49% to $ 11.97 billion. dollars. Nevertheless, Zuckerberg's social network continues to grow with a family of apps including Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, as well as the Oculus virtual reality division.

Facebook has launched a Messenger application to connect with younger audiences. for children, which can be controlled by parents, especially for those who are too young to have their own Facebook account. On the other hand, the social network seeks to challenge YouTube and other services such as Netflix, with original videos on its own platform and on Instagram, which already has a billion users.

Still, Zuckerberg is probably not very worried by the figures exposed because it has 2.2 billion users while Snapchat had 191 million users by the end of March and that Twitter has 336 million "barely". "Snapchat has to do a lot, even to be a Facebook contest," said Debra Williamson, an analyst at eMarketer. But trends show that services like Instagram and Snapchat are new for young smartphone users.

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