We must speed up Brexit negotiations: Theresa May


London.- The British Prime Minister, Theresa May said Thursday that it is necessary to advance "faster" in the Brexit talks at amid the warnings of leaders "There has been very good progress," he said May after reaching a summit in Brussels, where the issue The Brexit was relegated to the background by the political crisis opened a few weeks ago by the migratory challenge.

The British President, however, acknowledged that "both parties wish to continue this work for"

The two parties hope to reach an agreement on the divorce in October, before the official materialization of the departure of the United Kingdom from the United Kingdom. European Union at 2300 GMT 29 March 2019.

Theresa May, Prime Minister of Reino Kingdom Photo: AFP.

But several European leaders believe that the talks are at a standstill, mainly because of a lack of agreement on how to avoid a physical border between the British province of Ireland Northern Ireland and a country of the EU. I would like our British friends to clarify their positions, "said the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, on his arrival at the European meeting." They have to tell us what they want and we will answer them "

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte also stressed the need to "solve" the Irish problem shortly. "It is time to find an agreement," he warned. [19659007] Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission Photo: AP file.

After a first day devoted to the challenge of migration, trade and NATO, the 27 European leaders will examine Friday, without Theresa May the last advances of Brexit .

In their draft conclusions, consulted by AFP, the presidents call for the preparation of all possible scenarios, including the absence of agreement, in the absence of " substantial progress "on the Irish border.


  • United Kingdom
  • Theresa May
  • Brexit
  • European Union

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