"We thought we would not get it back," say Patricia Aguilar's relatives | 1 of 1


Patricia Aguilar Poveda was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The young Spaniard crossed the path of a sect led by Felix Steven Manrique Gómez, the man who called himself "Prince Gurdjieff" and who captured him via the Internet. A ordeal began but has not ended yet because, although he was saved with two other women and five children, his passage through the hell of the Peruvian jungle l? marked for life.

The nightmare began on January 7, 2017. Patricia told her parents, Alberto and Rosa Maria, that she was going to a party. It was a lie. In fact, he had gone to Murcia. One day later, the 18 year old girl arrived in Madrid. He was carrying suitcases, books and also 6,000 euros of family affairs. At midnight he boarded the plane for a new life, a new circle of friends and was at the mercy of a sect led by Felix Manrique.

His family was key

The family then began to investigate Patricia's environment and found the sectarian leader. They discovered the intentions of the man who claimed to be the reincarnation of George Gurdjieff, Armenian philosopher, writer and mystic, guide to an alleged spiritual and humanitarian evolution.

Noelia, cousin of Patricia Aguilar, acceded to the "Gurdjieff" Peruvian and in order to obtain evidence of the case began to be contacted through social networks. He asked where he was.

-I travel through South America. I go from one place to another.

– Are you leaving with your parents ?, she asked.

– Yes, but not with the earthlings. I am going with the Holy Spirit, with my eternal parents.

So, this man contacted up to 3,000 young people to whom he had added on social networks, mainly on Facebook. Patricia's family also found one of those girls who were in Felix Steven Manrique's closest circle, and that gave them a test. It was an email that this subject sent to a Gnostic church in Venezuela with his name. This was the firm track that would lead to his capture.

I thought we would not see it

"We have come to think we will not get it back," said Noelia Bru, spokesperson for the Patricia Aguilar family yesterday in Spain . Then he added, "They have been very difficult months in which only a closed core of the family knew how everything progressed.It's been months of struggle, many have thrown in the sponge, but even if sometimes we thought we would never see it, we did not lose hope, "he added.

Noelia with her cousins ​​and her parents took a year and a half of tireless struggle to recover Patricia. They admit that they have a sweet and sour taste for all the support they've received on the street, but they say they have not had the support of the Spanish authorities.

The parents of the young Spanish have entrusted the case to the authorities of their country, but, they say, they found only indifference.

That is why they decided to denounce the case in Peru. The Office for Combating Human Trafficking has taken on this fact. Patricia's parents arrived in our country last January. Patricia's father, Alberto, returned to Spain, but in June he returned to give the final push.

On Wednesday the police finally found Patricia's place and arrested the so-called "Prince Gurdjieff".

hi and this way, after a long process that lasted for months, managed to capture Patricia Aguilar. It was enough for him to follow his usual procedure: to offer him a supposed salvation that "he alone was capable of providing".

A sister of Paola Vega Passaro – another of Manrique's women – tells that she stopped talking to her family when he began to maintain contact with Manrique.

"She met him in a sect, in 2002. He did not talk much with us.He ceased to be sociable."

The mother of Marjorie García Valverde , another young woman rescued in Pangoa, said the last time she saw her daughter was in May. "As I was in poor health, it came because my sister contacted her on Facebook, I saw her for about ten minutes and she left."


Religious and mystical manipulation is usually exercised by somebody of knowledge and uses it to convince others of what he preaches, either because he or she believes (messianic delirium) or psychopathic motivations to seek and achieve personal benefit (economic, sexual, etc.), says psychiatrist Carlos Bromley.

The difference is in the mind and personality. If he practices his religious activities directly, publicly, and transparently, he is likely to be a person who is convinced that he is preaching and seeking disciples for his belief. In pathological cases can suffer from a psychotic delirium, he added.

If you hide, with lies, in vulnerable people and with only one personal benefit, we are probably confronted with a subject with a psychopathic personality who should receive the legal sanction that his case deserves, emphasized Bromley

For Patricia's parents, there were 514 days of dramatic research. But with the burning flame of hope to come back one day to give him a hug. And that day has arrived.


  • PRELIMINARY. The Permanent Penal Court of Lima has pronounced seven days of pretrial detention for Felix Steven Manrique Gómez. & # 39; Prince Gurdjieff & # 39; will take place in the Dirincri
  • PENA. For criminal lawyer Roberto Miranda, this topic may be prosecuted for human trafficking. He could be sentenced to between 8 and 15 years in prison, he explained.

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