"We will begin a new stage of unity, conciliation and dialogue": Vila Dosal


  "We will begin a new stage of unity, conciliation and dialogue": Vila Dosal

"Today, I feel more than ever proud to be a Yucatec" , said Mauricio Vila Dosal after receiving his certificate of majority Yucatan 2018-2024


"Today, I feel more than ever proud to be the Yucatec", has said Mauricio Vila Dosal after receiving his Constance of Majority as elected governor of Yucatan 2018-2024.

Thus, offered his first message to more than 6,000 supporters of Merida and the interior of the state gathered outside the Electoral Institute and citizen participation (IEPAC).

Accompanied by his wife, Maria Eugenia Ortiz Abraham, Vila Dosal acknowledged that the triumph is Yucatecans who live in the 106 municipalities, who supported him and gave him love and love. ;encouragement.

That Yucatan we want, we will do it together by building it with dialogue and understanding, agreeing on what is best for the Entity, "he added.

From today we will begin a new stage of unity and respectful conciliation between those who have actively participated in the electoral process and those who make possible the Yucatan that we love so much, he said. "Solutions, that is what citizens expect: solutions for those who do not have jobs, for health, countryside, fishing, housing, education Solutions and results facing urgent economic and social problems that many Yucatecans are living today. "

The elected governor reminded that he is a man of dialogue, so he will meet all those who want to do it and build with who wants to build, but first of all "I will always govern for all."

With regard to the faculties and sovereignty of the state, the government I will lead will have the greatest coordination with the new federal government, with other levels of government and with all the constitutional powers of the state.

District calculations confirm the victory of Vila Dosal in Yucatan: PAN

Vila Dosal insists on this last point because "it is the most efficient way to generate the greatest good public. Join our efforts to bring hope and opportunity to human development to those who need it most. Nowadays, reaching all corners of Yucatan, they count Mauricio Vila to improve their quality of life.

In addition, emphasized that Yucatecans demand results and innovative governments that deal with economic growth and solve old problems like health.

Marcelo Torres Cofiño The Secretary General of PAN, on behalf of Damián Zepeda, national president of PAN, has revealed that Mauricio is the person who can drive Yucatan to the best destination: "He was chosen by a state that stands out for its civic and cultural character". [19659005] Juan Pablo Adame, delegate of CEN PAN, also attended the presentation of the law on the majority, Édgar Ramírez Pech, president of CEN PAN, Silvia López Escoffié, coordinator of Movimiento Ciudadano, Renán Barrera Concha, elected mayor of Mérida Rosa Adriana Díaz Lizama and Daniel Ávila Ruiz, Senators of the Republic, Cecilia Laviada, Member of the Third District and Mauricio Díaz Montalvo, Chair of the Direct Committee Municipal Council of PAN in Merida.


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