Weapons Treaty, threatened by Trump: Russia


After the possible exit of the US from the INF Treaty on medium and short-range missiles, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START III), signed in 2010, would be threatened, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister warned yesterday. , Sergey Ryabkov.

"After the signing of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987, we could lose another key bilateral agreement, START III", which was signed in Prague by Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev. Riabkov said on Russian television.

He recalled that the United States had recently abandoned a series of international agreements and treaties, referring to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Iranian Nuclear Agreement of 2015. " We do not know if it is possible to end this path, "said Mr Riabkov.

"With this approach on the part of the United States, we could eventually lose the START treaty and lose the arms control completely, if the United States continued to act in the same way"; he said.

According to Riabkov, this issue will be one of the central themes of the upcoming meeting between Russian Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump of the United States, scheduled for November 11 in Paris.


On October 20, the US President announced that his country:

=> Abandonment of the Treaty of intermediate-range nuclear forces.

=> Later, he said that the United States would increase their nuclear capacity.

Weapons Treaty, threatened by Trump: Russia

Meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with US President Donald Trump on 11 November.

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